“Recent studies show business coaching and executive coaching to be the most effective means for achieving sustainable growth, change and development in the individual, group and organization.”
HR MonthlyWhy Coaching?
A coach works with you to design your goals, create awareness, uncover and elevate your potential, challenge your thoughts and behaviors (where appropriate) and works with you to create accountability where you can be successful. Coaches support you in closing the gap between where you are today and where you want to be in the future.
How coaching works?
Individualized Approach – tailored to fit each individual.
Targeted Approach – focused on addressing issues/concerns important to the individual.
Sustainable Approach – not about giving advice, about helping individuals discover their own answers and learn how to move forward with that knowledge.
Results Driven Approach – together with the coach, individuals determine how accountability for their actions and associated results will occur
Action Learning
Discover Your Signature Strengths and Develop Your Leadership Capacity through unique excursions offered by Excursions of Escalante and Peak Performance – one that puts learning into action and goes beyond classroom learning to experiential application and real time feedback.
A battery of assessments with a corresponding debrief session and personalized reports targeted for conflict, change and communication.
Skill based instruction targeted at developing a leader’s capability in the areas of leadership, change and conflict.
Personalized leadership and accountability coaching sessions in support of learning application.

“The coaching training I have received has been phenomenal! I use it with my colleagues to help them unlock the tools that they already possess to empower them to make decisions for a healthier personal and professional life! But it has also changed the way I interact with others and enhanced my performance on my job.”
Linda Joyce Gunn, PhD, CPHRMCoaching Specialties

Executives Hire Peak Performance to: Improve Capabilities of Organizational Leaders, Develop High-Performing Teams, Develop Change Leadership Capabilities in Leaders, Improve Organizational Productivity, Support Change and Transition, Address Conflict Effectively, Develop Creativity, Build Bench Strength, and Support a Coaching Culture
If you are serious about elevating your potential, achieving peak performance and getting results that make a difference, contact us today for a FREE consultation. All coaching packages are customized to fit your specific needs.

Individuals hire coaches: To support accountability in achieving desired results, Work through personal and professional transitions, to be a sounding board, to be an accountability partner, To determine next steps in professional and/or personal life, to improve a specific personal and/or professional area, to work through conflict effectively.
If you are serious about elevating your potential, achieving peak performance and getting results that make a difference, contact us today for a FREE consultation. All coaching packages are customized to fit your specific needs.

For professional coaches seeking coaching credentials. Coaching for individuals seeking coach credentials. For individuals and organizations who want to implement coaching as a leadership tool.
If you are serious about elevating your potential, achieving peak performance and getting results that make a difference, contact us today for a FREE consultation. All coaching packages are customized to fit your specific needs.

Solopreneurs and Entrepreneurs hire coaches to: Provide a sounding board, develop personal and professional capabilities, Accelerate performance, Improve leadership capabilities, Get “unstuck,” Support accountability.
If you are serious about elevating your potential, achieving peak performance and getting results that make a difference, contact us today for a FREE consultation. All coaching packages are customized to fit your specific needs.