By Lana Medina  |  Originally published on KUTV

SALT LAKE CITY (KUTV) Summer vacation is almost here - end of school, graduation. This is also the time of year when everything changes - home sales increase, vacations, temperature, even how you dress! But not all change is good news. Whether the change is welcome or not, it can be difficult to transition.

Life coach Trigena Halley joined Fresh Living today to help us learn how to deal with change.

“Much like life, nature doesn’t give us a choice in change, it happens whether we are ready or not! Watching the mountains change with the seasons made me think how the mountains don’t necessarily change but the seasons themselves change the look of mountains. Much like us, who we are generally stays the same, how we approach the “seasons of life” are what changes and grows,” Halley explained.

Halley advises following the words of William Bridges, author and expert on change leadership, who makes a distinction between change and transition. According to Bridges, “change is external and tied to a certain situation, transition is the internal, emotional process of how you respond and come to terms with that change.” The understanding between change and transition is key to working with change and helping others navigate change successfully. William Bridges following perspective:

• The Ending (Change Occurs)

• Neutral Zone (Evaluation Time)

• New Beginning (New Normal)

“Whether good, bad or indifferent, driven by us or happened upon us, change requires a new pattern of doing, thinking and behaving,” Halley says.

Here are some things to think about if you find yourself worried or struggling with change:

• What scares you most about the change?

• What excites you most about the change?

• What is the worst that will happen?

• What is the best that will happen?

• How can you gain back some control?

• If this were happening to a someone else, what advice would you give them?

• What’s the bigger game here?

• Whose support do you need right now?

“As you enjoy the “change of seasons” remember how we approach change strongly impacts how change shows up in our life. We can either experience an out of control, wild ride with no end in sight or a wild, fun and crazy ride that has an end in sight. When change occurs for you, think about the questions you need to ask yourself to arrive at your new normal with success!” Halley says.

Want to speak with Trigena directly about a change you or your organization is in the middle of? 

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