
Trigena is a wonderful asset to us all. She is a progressive thinker, deeply cares for and accepts others. As a living example of the techniques, and appropriate attitude of a professional coach, Trigena is committed to the profession, her clients and colleagues....

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As an athlete, I always had a coach to help me accomplish my athletic goals. So, it made perfect sense to get a coach to help me better myself and achieve my career goals. Working with Trigena has been amazing and invaluable. Just as my ski coaches helped me to become...

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I began my coaching sessions with Trigena with the primary goal of gleaning from her and developing my own coaching skills. Trigena quickly had me looking at myself and my own leadership challenges from different angles, and I found myself uncovering areas for growth...

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The coaching training I have received has been phenomenal! I use it with my colleagues to help them unlock the tools that they already possess to empower them to make decisions for a healthier personal and professional life! But it has also changed the way I interact...

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Trigena Halley helped Black Diamond improve our leadership knowledge by putting together a great two-day leadership course for our leaders . . . Everyone left feeling enthusiastic about their role and responsibility to be a great leader. Nicole ThurmanVice President...

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Trigena is an excellent partner and collaborator who really listens to your needs . . . Her insightful and creative approach allowed for our diverse group of employees to feel comfortable and engaged. Anjali PaiDirector, Staff Development & Employee...

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Working with Trigena was one of the best decisions I have ever made. She not only brought my vision to life, but exceeded my expectations on all fronts and did it ahead of schedule! I can’t wait for another project I can bring her in on. She is worth every single...

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Trigena is the consummate professional and quite skilled in executive leadership development. I frequently seek out her expertise to help our firm Organizational Assessment & Development. Her training presence in front of the classroom is engaging, well researched...

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You Can’t Multitask!

KUTV 2 News Fresh Living Segment and Article, August 2019 I’m here to deliver bad news - You.Can’t.Multitask. There, I said it! Now for the backlash and (likely) my most unpopular article!  I am certain this is not the first time you have heard that you can’t...

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Happy People Habits

Happiness is usually defined individually, what makes one person happy may not even register on another person’s happiness scale. So what makes you happy – most research says it is intrinsic to each individual person – factors include mindset, self-regard, faith and...

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Words….Why They Matter!

No matter what people tell you, words and ideas can change the world.” ~Robin Williams The most primitive parts of your brain operate at a deeply unconscious level and play a large part in your conscious mind – more than you realize.  Understanding the impact...

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Words….Why They Matter!

No matter what people tell you, words and ideas can change the world.” ~Robin Williams The most primitive parts of your brain operate at a deeply unconscious level and play a large part in your conscious mind – more than you realize.  Understanding the impact...

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Change and Transition

This time of years brings many changes – end of school, high school and college graduation, home sales increase, vacations, temperature, how we dress, activities we do together, etc.  One of the great things about Utah is the four seasons – we get a “change”...

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How to Deal With Change

By Lana Medina  |  Originally published on KUTV SALT LAKE CITY (KUTV) Summer vacation is almost here - end of school, graduation. This is also the time of year when everything changes - home sales increase, vacations, temperature, even how you dress! But not all...

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Understanding The Teenage Brain

Originally published by Melanie Kennedy on KUTV News Salt Lake City — (KUTV) Life Coach Trigena Halley from Peak Performance CCT, LLC visited Fresh Living to discuss the Teenage Brain. I sit and write this article surrounded by my own four teenagers (ranging in age...

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Why Personality Matters

Originally published by Melanie Kennedy on KUTV. Salt Lake City — (KUTV) Life Coach Trigena Halley visited Fresh Living to discuss Why Personality Matters and share results of Debbie and Casey's personal assessments. What makes a good team - collaboration, leadership,...

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Making Decisions – Feeling vs. Thinking!

When we think about making decisions, we tend to think in terms of the situation or problem we need to address, information we need to process the decisions and how we implement that decision.  Very rarely do we consider the process we naturally utilize to make...

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How is your Resiliency Factor?

10 protective factors and a model for Resiliency How good are you at protecting and promoting YOUR resiliency? Resilience is defined as the ability to bounce back and subsequently flourish following adversity (Lutherar & Cicchetti, 2000). The Liberty Mutual...

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Fast and Ready or Slow and Steady?

15 years ago I became a self-proclaimed outdoor girl when I moved from the plains of Oklahoma to the mountains and canyons of Utah! My first passion was skiing, then hiking and some river rafting, add in a bit of trail running with some mountain biking and I thought I...

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Change and Transition

One of the great things about Utah is the four seasons; my favorite is Fall because it is the season that signals the most change….change in schedule (for me, kids are back in school), temperature, color, winter is coming (which brings ski season) etc.  As I...

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Reach Your Life Goals

We set goals with excellent intentions, however most of us tend to fall short of those life goals and not necessarily because they are unrealistic, but because we fail to make room in our life to achieve the goals and we fail to address where we might have...

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Neuroleadership and Feedback

Giving feedback is one of the most common things leaders do in support of their team members, yet it can be on of the quickest ways to put team members into threat mode.  According to Dr. David Rock, founder of the Neuroleadership Institute and author of several...

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Introducing Peak Performance

    Welcome to the UPDATED Peak Performance website that has some new some blogs and videos! * Peak Performance Website - I hope to stay in contact with each of you. I will be sending out periodic communications to share blog...

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